Add customer reviews and testimonials to showcase your store’s happy customers.
Add customer reviews and testimonials to showcase your store’s happy customers.
Add customer reviews and testimonials to showcase your store’s happy customers.
const getPluginI18nMessages = (message, replaceObj = {}) => {
const lang = document.documentElement.lang || "en-US";
const [form, key] = message.split('.')
let text = window.payment_plugin_message['en-US'][form][key];
if (window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
text = window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form][key];
Object.keys(replaceObj).forEach(key => {
text = text.replace(new RegExp(`\{${key}\}`, 'gi'), replaceObj[key]);
return text;
const zhCN = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示",
not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」",
more_button: "更多支付方式",
skeleton_layer_tips_title: "快捷支付按钮",
skeleton_layer_tips_content: "请点击左侧列表中的「快捷支付按钮」,在设置页面开启想要的展示的支付按钮",
mock_tips: "快捷支付按钮是否展示还取决于买家使用的浏览器以及商品的货币、金额",
not_find_form_tips: "快捷支付按钮组件仅支持配置到商品详情卡片内",
const zhTW = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示",
not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」",
more_button: "更多付款方式",
const arSA = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "المزيد من خيارات الدفع",
const deDE = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten",
const esES = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "Más opciones de pago",
const frFR = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "Plus d'options de paiement",
const idID = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "Opsi pembayaran lainnya",
const itIT = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "Altre opzioni di pagamento",
const jaJP = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "その他の支払いオプション",
const koKR = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "더 많은 결제 옵션",
const enUS = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "More payment options",
skeleton_layer_tips_title: "Express Checkout Button",
skeleton_layer_tips_content: "Please click the「Express checkout button」on the block list,then you could enable the payment option you want to display in settings.",
mock_tips: "Whether the Express checkout button is displayed also depends on the browser used by the buyer and the currency and amount of the product.",
not_find_form_tips: "Express Checkout Button could only be added to Product details block.",
const nlNL = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "Meer betalingsmogelijkheden",
const plPL = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "Więcej Opcji Płatności",
const ptPT = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "Mais opções de pagamento",
const ruRU = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "Другие варианты оплаты",
const thTH = {
ec: {
not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.",
not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」",
more_button: "ตัวเลือกการชำระเงินเพิ่มเติม",
window.payment_plugin_message = {
"zh-CN": zhCN,
"zh-TW": zhTW,
"ar-SA": arSA,
"de-DE": deDE,
"es-ES": esES,
"fr-FR": frFR,
"id-ID": idID,
"it-IT": itIT,
"ja-JP": jaJP,
"ko-KR": koKR,
"en-US": enUS,
"nl-NL": nlNL,
"pl-PL": plPL,
"pt-PT": ptPT,
"ru-RU": ruRU,
"th-TH": thTH,
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_plugin_message_reader'));